2025 On-Demand Webcasts
New Developments in Planning Case Law
Guest Host: APA Illinois
From due process to the First Amendment, planning and land use cases present interesting issues for lawyers and planners alike. Join attorneys from Ancel Glink, P.C. in Chicago for a discussion of the most recent and interesting updates in planning law, including riparian rights, affordable housing, short-term rentals, and adult uses.
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2024 Ethics Roundup
Guest Host: APA Ethics Committee
Learn about current topics in planning ethics from the Chair of the AICP Ethics Committee and the AICP Ethics Officer. Understand current planning ethics topics, including how the AICP Code of Ethics applies to real-life challenging issues facing professionals today. Learn, firsthand, how the new Code of Ethics was applied in its first few years. The updated Code of Ethics reemphasizes the commitment to equity and inclusion, to opposing harassment, and to preventing the misuse of the AICP credential. Following a short introduction on the AICP Code of Ethics – including data on current topics – speakers will present several ethics scenarios based on real-life cases brought before the Ethics Officer and the Ethics Committee in 2023. Topics will include serving as volunteers, conflict of interest, and planners in difficult situations. The session will include an interactive discussion segment during each of the cases and a general question and answer session at the end, as time allows. This is an interactive session designed to meet the 1 CM Ethics requirement.
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Introduction to AI & Ethics in County Planning
Guest Host: APA County Planning Division
Introduce county planners to the fundamentals of AI, the ethical implications of using AI in local government, and how to assess whether their county and its municipalities are ready to adopt AI. Topics will include the principles we aspire to uphold and specific rules of conduct, particularly as they relate to the adoption and use of technology. Our goal is to reinforce how these principles guide ethical planning and technology use across staff, government, and our communities. This is an interactive session designed to meet the 1 CM Ethics requirement.
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